CoverGloobus Translations

Hey! I’ve setted up the translations for covergloobus!

I added autotools to the whole package so now It will be easyer to make a package for any distribution, if anybody interested in creating the ppa 😀

Covergloobus now has also TABS support, so you can now download the tabs of the song that is currently playin!

It also grabs the cover from amazon if the player can’t provide it!!

Do you know if there is a way to get the playing song/artits from songbird? I really like that player and would be great to have support in covergloobus 😀

See you!

(BTW any idea for a icon?)

12 comentarios el “CoverGloobus Translations

  1. Richard dice:

    Good news! Thanks. 🙂

  2. Samoth dice:

    Thanks too 🙂

  3. Luis Davim dice:

    great 🙂

  4. enzo dice:

    hi i can’t use covergloobus on ubuntu 9.10
    i have downloaded the covergloobus brz.I have extracted the file but when i run on terminal , i can read this:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File «/home/enzo/Scrivania/covergloobus-1.5/», line 400, in
    File «/home/enzo/Scrivania/covergloobus-1.5/», line 364, in main
    self.init() #Initialize Player Theme and Dbus
    File «/home/enzo/Scrivania/covergloobus-1.5/», line 74, in init
    self.UIManager.load_xml(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) +»/Themes/»+ self.config.get(«Theme»,»name») + «/skin.xml»)
    File «/usr/lib/python2.6/», line 311, in get
    raise NoSectionError(section)
    ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: ‘Theme’

    in what way i can use covergloobus?

  5. enzo dice:

    excuse can you explain in more simple way..i just a linux noob..please

  6. MastroPino dice:

    @Enzo non è difficile se vuoi contattami e ti spiego come compilare, anche se i comandi che ti ha dato Jordi vanno bene!

    I completed the Italian localization! =D

  7. banana dice:

    i want translate it into Chinese 🙂

  8. Simon dice:

    Swedish translation done!

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