New Web

Hey! Great news! I updated my page with wordpress there, so from now on I’ll post the updates and all the stuff there, so please, update you references to my new webpage,

And to celebrate it, a very interesting post about how is developing games using only free tools it will be a serie of 3 post, in each one I’ll talk about the steps that in game developing process and I’ll talk about the tools I use, how I use them, and using as example, the new game I creted Kill The Zombies (cooming really soon)


New Game Icon

Well, here you have the first image about our next game, its icon!!

So comments are welcome! what would you change?.. do you like it?

In the next days I’ll post more info about the game, but I can assure you it will be a really good one 😀


KillTheZombies Icon

New Game Icon

Escape From Husband

Hey people! Long time without writing a post, I will post more regullary now, since I have great news,

As I said I started with android game development, and the thing went so far that there is a new game here, did you know canabalt? did you like it? so then, here is an android version with a diferent story behind! it is called


When you download the game you’ll find what is it about :D, just look at the screenshots to know a little more about


Escape From Husband Screenshots

Escape From Husband Screenshots


You can download it from here: Escape from Husband in Android Market for just 0.99$, and you’re contributing to the Gloobus applications, so I can work on them again 😉
See you!




Interviewed and TexturePacker 2.4.0

Hey people, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been got interviewed in playandroid,

So you can check it to know a little more about me 😀

Like I told you on the previous post, I’m starting developing games for android, and a really helpful tool I use is TexturePacker, it really helps a lot when creating the sprites and all that stuff. A new verion of that tool is out so if you want to develop a game, make sure to take a look at it

I hope you enjoy it.

And finally, about the previous post, the new Gloobus-Preview is written in GTK3, and the one that matches with the new nautilus version is called Gloobus-Sushi, thanks to Alexander Grigorcea who has been working in Gloobus all this time and really really improved it.

See u guys!


Gloobus preview on Oneiric Ocelot

Well people, I know you haven’t heard of me from long time ago… I’m really busy with other projects so I don’t have time to keep working on gloobus, but I’ll do my best

With the new gnome version I tought gloobus-preview would be outdated and that sushi would improve it in million ways, but you know my surprise when I tried it… its a shame, gloobus-preview supporst more filetypes, is faster, sexier, etc..

So thanks to the webUp8 people there is a guide to install gloobus-preview with the new nautilus and gnome version

And if you want a spanish version:

As for the projects I’m working on now, I’ll post about it in a few days, but I can advance you that I’m developing some android apps /games, so I can finance the gloobus project, and have enough money to keep working on it.

So if you want to help me you can start by checking out my apps in market, there are my finished apps, most of them were test, the more elaborated one is the game «escape from husband», and now I’m working on a kind of zombie smash game for Android 😀 I’m really excited about it and I’ll post the updates here, I want it to be really social so you people can choose the weapons to add, the enemies, the effects..

Keep tuned, so more will come in a few days!


As I told in the previous work, we’re working on Marlin, a complete new file manager with the elementary phylosofy, simple, clean, and useful.

The things I’m working on is to add color labels to the files, so you can then have fast visual search of the files you work on, red for critical, green for done, etc.. everybody can use them as wanted.

It’s coded in vala, so I started learning vala, then, implement a sqllite database to store it, and to create a tagging system.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about it, and of course, if anybody is interested in working on it.. just ask,

Here is a script to download it [Only for developers!!!]

# Tested pocedure installation on maverick ubuntu 10.10
# just run this script: bash INSTALL_maverick
# thx to Jordi Puigdellívol (Gloobus) <<== That's is meee!!! :D

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/gnome3-builds
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install build-essential bzr git automake libtool

sudo apt-get install gtk+3 gnome-common valac libgee-dev flex bison
# Since Marlin in gtk3 and gtk2 themes dont work on gtk3 apps, you will also need a theme. You can get the ambiance and radiance themes using these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cimi/theming && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gtk3-engines-murrine

# vala from git
git clone git://
cd vala
./ --prefix=/usr
make && sudo make install
cd ..

# gee vapi file
sudo cp /usr/share/vala-0.10/vapi/gee-1.0.vapi /usr/share/vala-0.12/vapi/

bzr branch lp:marlin
cd marlin
./ --prefix=/usr
make && sudo make install

Do not try it if you’re not a developer, cause it still does almost nothing, you’ve been warned

See u!

Nautilus extension for Gloobus Preview Available

Since we left nautilus-elementary to work on the new project Marlin

Nautilus, needed something to keep launching gloobus. My surprise when yesterday I opened my mail and I found this:

Hi, i've written an extension for Nautilus that bind 'space' key on
gloobus-preview, its only requisite is nautilus-python
Currently i've tested it on gentoo x86 and amd64 and seems to work fine
without need of clipboard or nautilus patch.

If you want to take a look:
Let me know if you like it or if you want to integrate it in gloobus-
preview project.

Walter Da Col

And of course I want it! so, here we go! we have now an extension for nautilus to launch gloobus-preview with the space key without the need to install nautilus-elementary. I haven’t had time to make the package for it, so if anybody wants to help, you can create the deb and upload it to the ppa, just contact me to know how to do it.

Thanks Walter!!